Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Pop-up photo: it's OK to play when you're a grown-up

OK, this is really cool.  WikiHow takes us step by foolproof step and at the end, we have a pop-up photograph!

Reading these instructions, I suddenly remembered cutting out the cardboard animals on boxes of animal crackers, and using them as actors on a television screen made from a Muller's macaroni box.  Anyone else?

1 comment:

scribadiva said...

That's funny. I've just begun making pop-up cards manually. Eventually, I'll use clip art to fill some scenes in. I'm planning on a book for kids dealing with pain, showing them what to expect at the hospital, and so on. I'm starting out with cards, but I'll check out WikiHow, and I've got google sketchup.
Could you send me your email? I found the link--smashing magazine, but the email I wrote was too long for this box. I have listed the most relevant articles, but honestly, I don't think there's much they can tell you; your blog looks great! Sweet tides, scribadiva (Linda)