Saturday, January 30, 2010

Make seedling pots, grow dishcloths, amaze your friends

Living in New England I've never tried to grow loofahs because they have a fairly long growing season-- about 150 days from planting the seeds till harvest-- but this may be the year I give it a try.  A good, sunny trellis growing against a western or southern-facing should do it.  Garden Guides has some good tips.

A home-grown loofah makes a great gift, but I really want to try making my own dishcloths from loofahs!  Tipnut tells how to prepare a loofah after harvest  to make dish and other cleaning cloths.  Sounds worth it!

But no matter what you'd like to plant this spring, it's time to start making seedling pots out of old newspaper.  Ancient Light actually sells a nifty little tool to make it  really easy,   But you can do it with a regular drinking glass or a jar; and eHOW has a video to shw you how.

You can plant your pot right in the ground and the newspaper will dissolve.  Use only black and white sections of the paper, though, unless you're sure the publisher uses only soy-based inks.

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