Sunday, May 17, 2009

Removing homeless links is painful

Every so often I go through the homeless links on my blogroll to look for those that have become inactive. I try to wait until I'm pretty sure the blog is dead-- at least six months and sometimes longer.

I always wonder: Did the author's situation improve? Did the author become too discouraged to write anymore? Has the cause for which a person blogged become resolved? or become hopeless?

In any case, there's some pretty good writing on some of these blogs, and at the least they are useful for historical purposes. So even though I'm removing them, here's a list. Maybe someday they'll spring to new life?

Formerly Homeless
Homeless in Jax
Homeless United for Friendship and Freedom
Just Another Blog (from L.A.)
NH Under the Bridge Project

If you know of any homeless or formerly homeless-written blogs, or other good blogs about homelessness, please let me know.

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