Friday, February 8, 2008

Olympic Misadventures: Cats Rescued, People Displaced

Reuters reports that more than 160 feral cats have been rescued from a London site that will be the home of the 1012 Summer Olympics.

Meanwhile, David Eby of the Pivot Legal Society in Vancouver, British Columbia, writes about a friend of his, Darrell Mickasko, who has died from burns received when a gas heater he was using to keep warm behind a dumpster ignited his sleeping bag. Vancouver is hosting the 2010 Winter Olympics.

I saw Darrell last week when he asked if I knew of anywhere he could rent. I didn't. Now he's dead, and the cause is indisputibly homelessness.

The public needs to know why, in Vancouver, people are burning to death trying to keep warm on our streets. Darrell's family, in Edmonton, needs to know why he died.
Last November, Pivot Legal Society said homelessness could triple in Vancouver by the time of the Olympics unless something is done. 1,200 people sleep on the streets in Vancouver on any given night. More than 400 units of affordable housing were lost in the city the year before.

Over at YouTube, China's Olympic Lie talks about the impact of the coming 2008 Olympics on poor people and the environment.

Graphic from a Flicker group on feral cats. Check it out.

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