Friday, October 21, 2011

Alice Walker on Occupy!

the joyful news of your arrest

this sunday morning everything
is bringing tears.
in church this morning
not a church anyone from my childhood
as church
a brother singing
about the bigness of love
and then this moment
news of your arrest
on the steps of the supreme court
a place of intrigue and distrust;
news of the illegal sign you carried
that you probably made yourself:
Poverty Is The Greatest Violence Of All.
brother cornel.  brother west.
what a joy it is
to hear this news of you.
that you have not forgotten
what our best people taught us
as they rose to meet their day:
not to be silent
not to fade into the shadows
not to live and die in vain.
But to glorify
the love that demands
we stand
in danger
shaking off
our chains.

See OccupyWriters for the hundreds of writers who support the Occupy Movement.

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